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Table Mountain Aerial Cableway

The cable cars take about 5-10 minutes to reach the top of the mountain and they travel at a speed of up to 10 meters per second.

source: Table Mountain Aerial Cableway

Table Mountain 是一座上方平坦的山,因俯視南非開普敦 (Cape Town) 而成為著名的地標。它吸引了眾多遊客,可經由纜車,攀登山頂。

"cable way" - 空中索道。 Table Mountain的空中索道在1926年動工,1929年完成。至2008年11月20日,訪客已達一千八百萬人次。

History of the Cableway

Number of Visitors to the Cableway

Even with so many visitors, queuing time is minimal due to the new upgraded system.

About the cable cars