片語動詞: 動詞+介系詞

由「動詞+介系詞」所形成的片語動詞一定要有受詞,整個片語動詞應該當做多字動詞來詮釋。例如: run into (不期而遇), look after (照顧),call off (取消)。

She had to beg _______ money and food for her children.

(A) on (B) of (C) for (D) about

We look _______ the neighbors' cat while they are away.

(A) for (B) at (C) on (D) after

Do you believe _______ ghosts?

(A) in (B) at (C) on (D) for

People who boast _______ their I.Q. are losers.

(A) for (B) on (C) at (D) about

He is prohibited _______ attending the party.

(A) at (B) from (C) on (D) for

I don't know why you insist _______ talking about it.

(A) in (B) on (C) for (D) of

What can young girls do to prepare _______ a career in science?

(A) on (B) from (C) for (D) at

You can depend _______ her.

(A) for (B) in (C) at (D) on


片語動詞 中文釋意 片語動詞 中文釋意
apologize for 為...道歉 prepare for  為...作準備 
beg for  為...乞求  prohibit from  禁止 
look after  照顧  refer to  提到  
believe in  相信  rely on  依賴  
boast about  吹噓  succeed in  順利完成  
wait for  等待  suffer from  受...之苦 
complain about  抱怨   insist on  堅持 
depend on  依靠; 信賴   worry about  擔心 
object to  反對  keep on  持續 
run into  不期而遇  call off  取消 

"suffer from" - 受...之苦


  1. They succeeded  in  solving the problem.
  2. He's been suffering  from  cancer for many years.
  3. It's silly worrying  about  things which are outside your control.
  4. He always refers  to  the house as his refuge.
  5. we apologize  for  any inconvenience caused by the changes.
  6. We really cannot rely  on  her.
  7. I am waiting  for  the dentist to check my teeth.

succeed in (順利完成);
suffer from (受...之苦);
worry about (擔心);
refers to (提到);
apologize for (為...道歉) ;
rely on (依賴 );
wait for (等待 )


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