Help 國中基測 試卷練習

Although it took me lots of time      a big meal for ten people, I was happy that everyone enjoyed it.
to prepare

Ms. Wu: What animals      your sister like?

Herbert: She likes lions and tigers.


Ms. Li: How much is this pencil?

Albert: It's 15 dollars.

Ms. Li: Sorry, but I don't have any      now. Here's 1,000 dollars.

Albert: That's all right.

Willy found      the novel he bought last week was under his bed.
This water is too hot to drink. Let's put some      in it.

Tim: Aren't you hungry?

Emi: No, I'm not. I'm still      from lunch.

Paul misses his parents a lot. He      them since he came to work in Taiwan a year ago.
won’t see
hasn’t seen
didn’t see
doesn’t see
     of my sisters are older than I am. I'm the youngest of the three children in my family.
     of the gift boxes are already put under the Christmas tree.
I usually carry a camera on my trips; taking pictures      a good way for me to remember the experience.
to be
Smart Head, one of the hottest TV programs these days,      people free plane tickets to Hawaii if they can answer 20 questions correctly in 15 minutes.
have given
to give
Many of my classmates have had the experience of taking an airplane, but I     .
Melody has a great interest in planting flowers, but her sister     . She can't even stay in the garden for one minute.
If you want to be strong,      every day can help you.
criticizing people
playing video games
going swimming
preparing tests
In my family, my sister is the only person who      chocolate.
Sorry, but I didn't hear the question you asked. Could you please      it?
I don't think Katie will read any one of the books you've picked out for her:      look(s) very boring.
Ben always uses his birthday as a(n)      to ask Dad to buy him something expensive.
Look at the pictures. Which sign should be put on the bench?
You've studied English for a long time,     ?
did you
have you
haven't you
didn't you
shown (原形為 show) 上映
June 23 is Mrs. Wu's birthday. Her husband is going to take her to see a movie. Which movie can they see?
Black Tiger
Boys In Love
The Doll's House
Summer Beach
Mary, a junior high school student, went to a movie with her classmates. After the movie, they had lunch at a restaurant near the theater at 11:40. Which movie did they see?
Summer Beach
Boys In Love
Black Tiger
The Doll's House
Which is true about the movies in the poster?
Boys in Love is shown six times on weekends.
Of all the movies, Summer Beach is shown the most days.
People cannot see Black Tiger on weekends.
The Doll's House is not shown in the morning.

Allen: Your new watch looks cool! May I take a look?

Lynn: Sure.

Allen: Wow! Look at the monkey on the face of it.

Lynn: Monkeys are one of my favorite animals. But the watch shows a different animal every month. Tomorrow is May 1, and it’ll be another kind of animal.

Allen: That sounds great! I want something like that. Where did you get it?

Lynn: Well, my uncle gave it to me last week. He bought it on a business trip in London.

Allen: Oh, that’s too bad.

Lynn: Maybe you can go check on the Internet.

Where was Lynn's watch bought?
In the zoo near her school.
On the Internet.
At a gift shop near her house.
In an English city.
What may Lynn’s watch look like on May 1?

Sarah: Hey, try this! It took me two hours to buy the cheesecake.

Justin: Why two hours? The store is only one block away from your place.

Sarah: I know! But the line was terribly long, and a man behind me was trying to cut in. So I took some time totake care ofhim.

Justin: You hit him?

Sarah: Please! I’m a friendly, sweet lady! I just talked to him, well, maybe a little loudly. AndI used some words that were a little strong. When I wastalkingto the man. I didn’t know I was off the line. So I had to wait all over again!

Justin: It was really hard work, huh?

Sarah: It WAS! So why don’t you try some?

Justin: Well, in fact, I’m a little sick of it. Rebecca bought one last Saturday. She found it too sweet, so she took only one bite. Guess who cleaned it up?

lady 淑女
How did Sarah “take care ofthe man behind her?
She lent him money to buy a cheesecake.
She spoke angrily at him.
She shared the cheesecake with him.
She hit him hard.
What can we learn from the dialogue?
Rebecca liked the cheesecake a lot.
Justin had tried the cheesecake before.
Justin wanted to know where the store was.
Sarah spent two hours getting to the store.

Josh: Do you know aboutpay it forward coffeeat Flora Café?

Eric: You mean you pay for a cup of coffee for someone poor to have it later?

Josh: Yeah. A cup of coffee is not much, but on cold winter days like today, it might warm them up a little. And maybe their hearts too.

Eric: But will Flora Café really give this cup of coffee to someone later?

Josh: Come on. I’ve known the shopkeeper well. He’s an honest man. He’s got a blackboard in the shop that says how many cups are paid for and how many have been given out.

Eric: But how will they know who to give? Anyone can ask for it, even if they’re not poor.

Josh: True, but then I guess they’ll just have to believe in people.

Eric: Perhaps. But will poor people go and ask for a free coffee? Won’t they worry about losing face?

Josh: Why do you always say things like that?

Eric: Well, it may happen.

Josh: Yeah, I know, but I still think it’s a good thing to do, and it gets people to care about others.

What does things like that mean?
Trouble for people who go to Flora Café.
Ways to make the free coffee plan successful.
Good things free coffee will bring to Flora Café.
Problems about the free coffee plan.
What can we learn about Josh and Eric?
Eric has more hope for the free coffee plan than Josh does.
Josh was not able to change Eric’s mind about free coffee.
They do not know whether Flora Café will do business honestly.
They found a way to make people feel OK to take free coffee.
What do we know about Flora Café from the dialogue?
Free coffee has brought it more business.
Its blackboard shows if there are free coffees to be taken.
People pay less for free coffee than other coffee.
It has a way to know who really is poor.

Long long time ago, a girl named Doris lost her ring. She felt so bad that she could not sleep well. When Doris turned over in her bed, she found the black horse in the picture on the wall 31. She was very surprised, so she got out of bed to have a closer look. When Doris touched the head of the horse, she 32 into the picture!
Now Doris was sitting on the back of the running horse!
It was so exciting to be riding a horse in the beautiful sky, but Doris did not know where the horse 33 her. Finally, they stopped in front of an old church. There Doris found a gift bag. She opened the bag and saw her ring inside. Doris was very happy. When she put on the ring, she woke up from her dream. At that moment, Doris could not believe her eyesthe ring 34 there back on her finger!
is moving
has moved
was moving
will move
is pulled
would be pulled
was pulled
has been pulled
would take
has taken
is taking
has been
would be

The idea may hit you once or twice a year. You come home on a hot summer day, hoping to have a cool bath, and find out there is no water. Then you see how important water is in your everyday life. However, in many parts of the world, water is not just about one’s everyday needs.

In countries like Tanzania, water is hard to get, and the job of collecting water falls on women’s shoulders. Girls are often kept home from school to collect water while their brothers stay at school studying. Studies show Tanzanian girls who live 15 minutes from clean water spend 12% more time at school than those who live an hour away. More time spent collecting water means less time for learning. For these girls, “Knowledge is poweris not just words; it is a sad fact in real life. With less time spent at school, their chances of getting well-paid jobs are small, and they often have no voice in important matters, like who to marry. These girls are often married into poor families. They have little money or knowledge to take care of their children, who often end up dying young. For the baby girls who are lucky enough to live, their life may still center aroundwater,” just like it did for their mothers.

What does The idea mean in the reading?
We should not take a bath when there is little water.
Water is not just about one’s everyday needs.
Water is important in one’s everyday life.
It is nice to have a cool bath on a hot summer day.
What is the reading mostly about?
Why it is hard to get water in poor countries.
Why it is important to save water.
How water may give a country power.
How water may play a part in one’s future.
What do we know from the reading?
Children in poor countries die from drinking dirty water every day.
Girls in countries like Tanzania are often paid less for the same job than the boys are.
Children from poor families are often kept from school to take care of younger children.
Girls who spend little time at school have a harder life when they grow up.
Families in the countries of Benin, Ghana, Guinea and Madagascar deal with the job of water-collecting the same way Tanzanian families do. From the reading, which chart best shows the fact?
chart 圖表

THE SOUTHEND TRAIL has been popular with nature lovers for years. The 120-km trail passes beautiful lakes, crosses rivers, and goes through mountains and hills. This gives bird lovers some of the best places for birdwatching. The trail also takes you to the Southend Museum and to two famous castles, Edward Castle and Sloan Castle.

It’s best to plan one day for one part of the trail and start your hike early in the morning, because each part takes at least seven hours. If you don’t want to walk, you can bike, but make sure you stay on the main trail, because the side trails are not wide enough for biking.

There are two types of lodging for visitors. Camping is popular in summer, but it is only allowed on a few campgrounds (see the map). A more comfortable one is to stay at a hotel in one of the towns. You can find some very nice ones that also have breakfast.

trail 步道
What is recommended to people who are visiting the Southend Trail?
recommend 推薦
Hiking one part of the trail a day.
Camping on the side trails.
Biking along the side trails.
Visiting the museum in the morning.
What does lodging mean in the reading?
A place to stay in.
A time for visiting.
A way of moving around.
A meal to have.
Kaylen will start his trip from Cove. He plans to visit one of the old castles. He also wants to go birdwatching near the river. Which parts of the trail should Kaylen go on?
Parts 4 and 4a.
Parts 2 and 3.
Parts 1 and 2.
Parts 1 and 2a.

(Thomas is visiting Randy.)

Randy: Here's my room, Thomas.

Thomas: Wow! It's like a toy store. I bet this really cost a lot of money!

Randy: No, it didn't.

Thomas: It didn't? Then, does your father sell toys?

Randy: No, it's my grandpa. He works in a toy factory. His boss always gives him toys with some defects. Look at this singing doll. It's pretty, but it can't sing.

Thomas: How about this truck?

Randy: See the driver in it? His hat is missing.

Thomas: I see. But I still like it. I love toys. I've always dreamed about having a room with lots of toys. You're so lucky.

Randy: If you like, you can come any time to play with them.

Thomas: Really? That's wonderful!

bet 猜想
defect 瑕疵
missing 不見
What does Randy's grandfather do?
He is a shopkeeper.
He is a singer.
He is a factory worker.
He is a truck driver.
Which is true about Thomas?
He loves Randy's room.
He is too old to enjoy toys.
He needs a new house.
He is Randy's cousin.

Tom found a note on his desk when he came back from his PE class.


I'm so happy! Remember that beautiful girl we saw at the party last Saturday? Her name is Emily. She's a student in Class 3A. She's Nancy's cousin, and I talked to her this morning. She said yes when I invited her to a movie. I can't believe it!

Can you give me some advice after school?


2:10 p.m.

note 字條
advice 建議
According to the note, what could be a question that Brian asks Tom after school?
according to 根據
What should I wear when I go out with her? ”
How can I get better grades in English? ”
Would you like to go to a movie with me? ”
Who was that beautiful girl at the party? ”
Which is true about Emily?
She is Brian's classmate.
She is Tom's cousin.
She will go to a movie with Brian.
She went to the party with Tom.

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