形容詞 + 介系詞 (Adjective + Preposition)


I was pleased _______ the present you gave me.

(A) with (B) of (C) about (D) at

He is committed _______ to improving his English.

(A) with (B) of (C) to (D) at

Your writing is similar _______ mine.

(A) with (B) at (C) to (D) of

She is very excited _______ winning the first prize.

(A) about (B) with (C) for (D) to

I'm not ashamed _______ what I did.

(A) of (B) for (C) with (D) at

She is addicted _______ watching TV.

(A) to (B) of (C) in (D) at

South Africa is rich _______ natural resources like diamonds and gold.

(A) for (B) of (C) in (D) with

I am sick of Alex! He is always short _______ money!

(A) in (B) with (C) of (D) about

The deli is famous _______ it's heavy lunch crowds and long lines.

(A) of (B) for (C) at (D) with

形容詞 + 介系詞 of
形容詞 + of釋義例句
afraid of害怕I'm afraid of snakes.
aware of知道Were you aware of the risks at the time?
capable of能夠Peter is capable of hard work.
fond of喜歡Arthur is fond of Diane.
frightened of害怕She is frightened of spiders.
jealous of妒忌She had always been very jealous of her sister's good looks.
proud of驕傲She is proud of her accomplishments.
scared of害怕I'm scared of telling her what really happened.
sure of確定I am sure of his innocence.
tired of厭倦I'm tired of the US spouting democracy for the world, yet ignoring Taiwan's democracy.

afraid of - 害怕

wary of - 謹防的;惟恐的

形容詞 + 介系詞 from
形容詞 + from釋義例句
different from不同於In what ways is a news story different from a work of fiction?
derived from從...獲得A large portion of my income is derived from moonlighting.

形容詞 + 介系詞 for
形容詞 + for釋義例句
famous for著名的Marie Curie is famous for her contribution to science.
ready for準備Are you ready for love?
sorry for對不起I am sorry for your loss.
suitable for適合Marry was totally suitable for the job.

famous for - 著名的;出名的;有名的

形容詞 + 介系詞 at
形容詞 + at釋義例句
angry at對...生氣Do you know why Joe is angry at himself?
excellent at 善於Cindy has been doing excellent at this school.
good at善於Zack is really good at telling jokes.
hopeless at對...绝望I am hopeless at remembering names.

形容詞 + 介系詞 to
形容詞 + to釋義例句
accustomed to習慣They are accustomed to living in much colder temperatures.
married to與...結婚Kate is married to a French man.
nice to對...好Betty has always been very nice to me.
opposed to反對They were strongly opposed to the project.
similar to類似His writings are similar to those of a famous writer.

"opposed to", 動名詞 eating 作為介系詞 to 的受詞。

形容詞 + 介系詞 about
形容詞 + about釋義例句
angry about惱怒Why are you so angry about it?
careless about粗心約Most users are careless about security when surfing the Internet.
enthusiastic about熱中Jeff doesn't seem very enthusiastic about the birthday party.
serious about認真對待Is she serious about going to live abroad?
worried about擔心They don't seem particularly worried about the situation.

excited about - 對...是興奮的

形容詞 + 介系詞 in
形容詞 + in釋義例句
interested in感興趣Wesley is interested in dating Haylee.
rich in含有很多Pineapple juice is rich in vitamins A and B.
fluent in流利的She's fluent in French.

形容詞 + 介系詞 on
形容詞 + on釋義例句
keen on熱衷於She is keen on playing tennis.
dependent on依賴於Are we too dependent on computers?

keen on - 熱衷於

形容詞 + 介系詞 with
形容詞 + with釋義例句
bored with厭煩She was getting bored with doing the same thing day after day.
crowded with擠滿了The auditorium was crowded with people.
disappointed with失望She is disappointed with herself for not being ready for the tests.
familiar with熟悉I am familiar with his writing.
pleased with高興Robert is pleased with his progress at the company.
satisfied with滿意Are you satisfied with the new arrangement?

“married to” 與...結婚。另外一種比喻的用法:
Wendy seems to be married to her new job at the moment, so we hardly ever see her.
Wendy 此刻似乎嫁給了新工作,所以我們幾乎看不到她。

請記住: 形容詞 depend 習慣上接介系詞 on。

good at - 善於。


  1. I was pleased  with  the present you gave me.
  2. He is committed  to  improving his English.
  3. Your writing is similar  to  mine.
  4. She is very excited  about  winning the first prize.
  5. I'm not ashamed  of  what I did.
  6. She is addicted  to  watching TV.
  7. South Africa is rich  in  natural resources like diamonds and gold.
  8. I am sick of Alex! He is always short  of  money!


  1. Why are you so angry   it?
  2. She has always been very nice   me.
  3. She is fond   having picnics.
  4. He was angry   his daughter for coming home late.
about of to with


  1. He is strongly opposed   the plan.
  2. I'm sorry   the noise last night.
  3. Are you interested   art?
  4. He is responsible   causing the damage.
about for in to


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