片語動詞: 動詞+副詞

當你渴望來個戶外活動,卻碰上雨下個不停,這時不妨唱首兒歌 Rain rain go away 來舒解苦惱。

我們稱 go away 為片語動詞,它是動詞 "go" 與副詞“away”所形成。 這片語動詞 go away 的意義可以由個別單字 go 和 away 猜出它是走開、離開的意思。

有些由「動詞+副詞」所形成的片語動詞,其意義與個別單字的動詞或副詞卻迥然不同。例如 give up:

Students should give up their seats to an elderly when they ride a bus.

"give up" 也是個片語動詞,它是動詞 give + 副詞 up 所形成。 這片語動詞 give up (放棄) 的意義與個別單字 give (給) 和 up (上)卻迥然不同。

片語動詞: "動詞+副詞" 的副詞經常也是個介系詞,如上例 up,有文法書稱之為介副詞 (Particles)。


We don't need these chairs. You can take them away.

片語動詞 take away 的受詞”them“是代名詞,一定要放在動詞 take 與副詞 away 之間。不能說:

We don't need these chairs. You can take away them. (錯誤的句子)

"動詞+介系詞" 的片語動詞一定要有受詞,這個受詞必須跟在介系詞後面。

The pain went away because I had _______.

(A) played video game the whole night (B) drunk a lot of coffee (C) taken some medicine

She ran _______ when she was 15.

(A) away (B) off (C) out (D) outside

片語動詞範例 — (動詞 + 副詞)
blow up 爆炸 back down 打退堂鼓
break in 非法闖入 break down 故障
call on 拜訪 carry out 執行
call off 取消 take off 脫下;起飛
come off 成功 fall through 失敗
fill up 加滿 give away 捐贈
grow up 長大 hang up 掛上
look up 查看 carry on 繼續
pass away 過逝 pay off 清償債務
point out 指出 put off 延期
turn on 打開 turn off 關掉
turn up 轉大聲 turn down 轉小聲; 拒絕
throw away 丟棄 wake up 醒來
wear out 穿破 write down 把...寫下

He has decided to carry on his father's business.


She's terribly upset because her mother passed away last night.


"pass away" - 去世, 也可以用 "pass on", 相同意思。
When I pass on, I won't care about the funeral.

I write down everything I need to remember, then I try to remember where I put the darn sheet of paper.


片語動詞 write down - "把...寫下"。

look down - "輕視"。

look up - "改善,好轉"

break up - "(婚姻或男女朋友)關係中止"。

make up - "和解,言歸於好"

gorw up - "長大成人"。


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